[xsl] Working example xml+xsl to .fo file

Subject: [xsl] Working example xml+xsl to .fo file
From: ge <eleonora46@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 17:32:39 +0200

I seek a working example for following:
create a .fo file from an xsl and an xml file,
that can be used as input for apache fop,
that creates a pdf file from this.
I have saxon and xalan, both work well,
however I get only html files as output,
For example java -jar saxon9.jar -t -e:maxml.xml -xsl:myxsl.xsl -o:myoutput.fo,
creates a html file in myoutput.fo

Please give me a working example, a helloworld 
example would be fine, or point me to a working
example in the web.

THanks in advance, eleonora

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