Re: [xsl] FO checkbox from 2 inline ZapfDingbat characters

Subject: Re: [xsl] FO checkbox from 2 inline ZapfDingbat characters
From: Jacobus Reyneke <jacobusreyneke@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 10:26:03 +0200
Hi Dave,

I think what Karl means is that he wants to put one character on top
of the other, ie a check mark onto a square, rather than between two
characters. I don't know how this is done, but here are some

One simple option may be to set the borders for the check mark
character, and just forget about drawing a character to draw a box.
When playing with borders, you can get some decent effects.

An SVG image may be a good way to go if you really need fancy drop
shadow effects etc. I'm a novice with XSL-FO, but I have found SVG to
be a good alternative for floating objects in XSL-FO.

Dave, is there any reason one should avoid SVG or is it o.k. to mix
and match it with XSL-FO?


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