[xsl] Encoding of xsl:message output

Subject: [xsl] Encoding of xsl:message output
From: Michael Müller-Hillebrand <mmh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 09:47:10 +0200
Dear readers,

I understand there are a few things left as ;implementation defined+ in XSLT
2.0, at the same time I feel I might have overlooked something.

Can I somehow influence the encoding used by xsl:message output?

E.g. I can control the encoding of a console (within Windows cmd.exe I can
use "CHCP 65001" to get UTF-8 encoding) and I would like any message visible
to the user appear correctly without being restricted to ASCII characters.


- Michael

Michael M|ller-Hillebrand: Dokumentations-Technologie
Adobe Certified Expert, FrameMaker
Lvsungen und Training, FrameScript, XML/XSL, Unicode
Blog: http://cap-studio.de/ - Tel. +49 (9131) 28747

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