xsl-list /at/ lists.mulberrytech.com
Thread Index
Last updated: Tue Jun 01 04:26:07 GMT 2010
277 messages
- [xsl] XSL-List Guidelines
- [xsl] Could not use matches in Regular Expression (XSLT 2.0)
- Re: [xsl] Could not use matches in Regular Expression (XSLT 2.0)
- [xsl] "1" cast as xs:boolean
- [xsl] XSL-List Guidelines 2010-05-04
- [xsl] normalize-space and the identity template
- [xsl] text() function in XPath 2
- [xsl] XSLT/XPath compliant implementations
- robert - 5 May 2010 18:44:05 -0000
- [xsl] State of XML-related technologies
- robert - 5 May 2010 18:50:22 -0000
- [xsl] FO: next to last page
- [xsl] Need help with function to split string and return concatenated string
- cknell - 6 May 2010 22:46:44 -0000
- [xsl] Is xsl:for-each "syntactic sugar"?
- RE: Re: [xsl] Need help with function to split string and return concatenated string
- cknell - 7 May 2010 13:41:15 -0000
- [xsl] Looking for XSLT Consultant (+ Sports Fan!)
- [xsl] In the field of programming, where does xsl:apply-templates reside?
- RE: [xsl] In the field of programming, where does xsl:apply-templates reside?
- cknell - 8 May 2010 14:24:57 -0000
- [xsl] border around a long text spanned on mutiple page
- [xsl] Re: In the field of programming, where does xsl:apply-templates reside?
- [xsl] Are there stupid questions about documentation in xslt?
[xsl] Trouble creating tables while looping through elements
[xsl] analyze-string and child nodes
[xsl] Alternative to XSLTHL?
[xsl] long text overloflowing columns tables
[xsl] For-each-group groups elements before the first group-starting-with element
[xsl] calendar generation
[xsl] overflow="error-if-overflow"
[xsl] First public working draft of XSLT 2.1
[xsl] character map "range" in XSLT
- David - 12 May 2010 17:49:37 -0000
[xsl] xsl:key, predicates and documents.
[xsl] Re: Dynamic number of sort key component?
[xsl] xslt 2.1 saxon:discard-document() equivalent
[xsl] Namespace handling question
[xsl] Cannot use a parameter value in the group-starting-with attribute?
[xsl] .NET 4.0 XslCompiledTransform doesn't support forwards-compatible processing
[xsl] What is the equivalent for-each of <xsl:copy-of select="$elements"/>
[xsl] Nested grouping using group-starting-with - brief code review?
[xsl] Moving or removing a period
[xsl] URIResolver: Invalid relative URI with square brackets
[xsl] OT: XQuery to XQueryX translation tool?
[xsl] Passing xs:string containing zero characters
[xsl] how to output a processing instruction
[xsl] getting downloadable copy of archives
[xsl] [ANN] Balisage 2010 Conference Program
[xsl] Open Meta Tag problem
- Karl Stubsjoen - 20 May 2010 19:33:18 -0000
- Message not available
- Liam R E Quin - 20 May 2010 19:59:43 -0000
- Message not available
- Message not available
[xsl] Why should I put code in XSLT to check the input data or the output data?
[xsl] Re: Passing xs:string containing zero characters
[xsl] Encoding of xsl:message output
[xsl] Including/importing digitally signed XSLT documents?
[xsl] Grouping a sequence of elements in different ways in the same stylesheet
[xsl] Two recommendations: (1) Call it XSLT "program" (not XSLT "stylesheet"), (2) stop treating XSLT as an acronym
[xsl] Re: Peter Desjardins convert HTML to DITA
[xsl] generate-id() explanation
- a kusa - 24 May 2010 16:30:09 -0000
[xsl] xsl variable/param question
- Arian - 25 May 2010 14:26:21 -0000
[xsl] question on paths
[xsl] Transform some attributes into HTML span elements with delimiters (specific format)
[xsl] Multiple hierarchy grouping (warning: longish)
- Eric - 28 May 2010 04:21:51 -0000
- David Carlisle - 28 May 2010 12:39:00 -0000
- Eric - 28 May 2010 19:58:01 -0000
- Message not available
[xsl] XSL Dominos
[xsl] Ann: XML Schema Evolver
[xsl] Schema authoring