Re: [xsl] Processing two documents, which order?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Processing two documents, which order?
From: Andrew Welch <andrew.j.welch@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 17:19:32 +0100
Hi Dave,

> The larger document is fully marked up XML so I don't want to tokenize
> the entire thing, though that might work on the template
> matching text().
> Given
>      <property>absolute-position</property>
>      <property>bottom</property>
>      <property>left</property>
>      <property>right</property>
>      <property>top</property>
> as the input... what would the keys look like?

It's to say without the usual sample input, required output etc...

Andrew Welch

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