Re: [xsl] Processing two documents, which order?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Processing two documents, which order?
From: Dave Pawson <davep@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2011 08:17:15 +0100
On Thu, 7 Apr 2011 14:52:23 -0700
Tony Nassar <tnassar@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Is there any reason to use a regex for *static* keywords from the
> shorter list? Wouldn't you simply hash that using xsl:key, then use
> the key() function to determine whether regex-group(1) is a key?

I need to avoid marking up the word followed by other content.
Hence the need to use regex

> Presumably you'd lower-case everything, etc. In fact, putting all the
> keywords in a regex is likely to work badly. I don't know if a regex
> engine is going to optimize an "or" with 300 words in's
> probably going to assume that you wouldn't be using a regex to check
> for equality with 1 of 300 words!

Which is why I hadn't considered that approach.



Dave Pawson

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