Re: [xsl] Assigning new attribute value

Subject: Re: [xsl] Assigning new attribute value
From: "Mark Wilson mark@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2016 21:07:03 -0000
Thanks Michael and Martin. I tried to use the name() earlier, but failed. Mush have been doing it wrong (got a 'not a QName' error). I will try your methods now.

On 12/20/2016 1:25 PM, Michael Kay mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

   <xsl:attribute name="{name(@*[1])}" select="$placement-index"/>

The [1] isn't necessary if you know there will always be exactly one attribute, but it makes it a bit more robust.

Michael Kay

On 20 Dec 2016, at 20:11, Mark Wilson pubs@xxxxxxxxxxxx <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I am doing an identity transformation that has presented me with a problem. The element <Location> in the original XML must have one and only one of seven possible attributes. Whichever attribute is present, I must keep its name but change its value. I have created a brute-force template that I assume will work. It ascertains the attribute's name and assigns it a new value. This is so ugly I am hanging my head in shame. There must be a more elegant method

xsl:template match="Location">
     <xsl:param name="placement-index"/>
               <xsl:when test="@minisheet">
                   <xsl:attribute name="minisheet" select="$placement-index"/>
               <xsl:when test="@souvenir-sheet">
                   <xsl:attribute name="souvenir-sheet" select="$placement-index"/>
               <xsl:when test="@gutter">
                   <xsl:attribute name="gutter" select="$placement-index"/>

<!-- There are more attribute names, but you get the idea -->


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