[xsl] output the result of the transformation twice, indented and not indented, without duplicating the code

Subject: [xsl] output the result of the transformation twice, indented and not indented, without duplicating the code
From: "Wolfhart Totschnig wolfhart.totschnig@xxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2022 18:39:23 -0000
Dear list,

I have an XSL stylesheet that produces a large XML document. I would like to output the XML document twice, once indented (for human readability) and once not indented (for faster access by other scripts). I am wondering whether this can be done from within a single stylesheet.

In order to achieve what I want, I could, of course, produce two versions of the stylesheet, one with <xsl:output indent="yes"/> and the other with <xsl:output indent="no"/>, and then run them consecutively. The disadvantage of doing that would be that, if I later want to change the stylesheet, I would have to make the changes twice, which, apart from the additional effort, would be a possible source of errors.

I guess that I could achieve what I want from within a single stylesheet with <xsl:result-document>. But in that case, if I understand correctly, I would have to copy the entire code of the stylesheet into <xsl:result-document>. So the code would, again, be duplicated.

So my question is this: Is there a way to obtain the two versions of the XML document (indented and not indented) without duplicating the code?

Thank you in advance for your help!


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