In The News

Subject: In The News
From: "Olga Francois" <ofrancois@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 10:41:31 -0400

A Disturbing Way to Fight Copyright Infringement
By Doug Isenberg,, September 2002

" In an attempt to block access to a web server in China that offered
free (and illegal) music downloads, a number of U.S. music publishers
sued five Internet backbone providers, asking a court to order them to
prevent users from getting to the site."

Rockets Fly Over DVD Encryption Case Jurisdiction
By Shannon Lafferty, The Recorder/, 09-06-2002

"The California Supreme Court seemed skeptical Thursday of arguments
that an Indiana college student was immune from California law for
posting computer code on the Web that unscrambles DVD encryption

September 05, 2002 - Reply Brief for the Petitioners has been posted
"Eric Eldred is the lead plaintiff on the case, and on May 20, 2002,
opening briefs were filed in the Supreme Court. Arguments will be heard
in the fall (the date is not yet set), and a decision is expected next

>From Tech Law Journal,
2nd Circuit Rules on Copyrightable Subject Matter
8/29.  The U.S. Court of Appeals (2ndCir) issued its opinion in Sparaco
v. LMS, a copyright case. This appeal involves whether a site plan for a
building construction project is protectable under copyright law.
However, the Court's review of the history and current state of the law
regarding what constitutes copyrightable subject matter may be of
interest to persons in the technology sector."

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