RE: Publisher's association on DRM

Subject: RE: Publisher's association on DRM
From: Edward Barrow <edward@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 08:59:33 +0100
 On Mon, 23 Sept Seth Johnson wrote:

>Their game is to let the WIPO Performances and Phonograms
>Treaty do the work.

>The notion they're trying to implement is the idea of "moral
>rights" -- saying that creators dictate what can be done
>with information.  The technologies on the table are all
>based on that ludicrous notion.  Once they get the
>technologies in place (and they are well underway), they
>will be able to act as if it's moral to restrict the public
>from parsing and processing information products.

>They don't figure on trusting any particular national
>government.  Just buy them out while they work on schemes
>built on system architectures such as TCPA.

>Seth Johnson

Even if I agreed with your analysis of their position, which I don't, I do 
not see what is wrong with a trade association in the United Kingdom 
adopting a "moral rights" position, where moral rights have been part of 
the law of the land since 1988.

Edward Barrow
New Media Copyright Consultant
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