New RIAA affidavit deal

Subject: New RIAA affidavit deal
From: Arielle <kidsaretasty@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 15:24:14 -0700 (PDT)
Hi.  I'm a student at Hunter College, CUNY, and I'm
writing a paper on Intellectual Property in the age of
the Internet.  (It's for Soc 425: Empirical Research
Using the Internet).

Anyway, one of my assignments for the class is to post
something of substence on a listserv related to my
paper topic. . . Which this one is. :)  So here is
some recent news that I didn't see in the archives. 
(If this was posted before I apoligize):

The RIAA has agreed to grant amnesty to users who
voluntarily pledge to stop illegally sharing files
online, through a program it calls the Clean Slate
Program.  The link to a description of this program
can be found here:

The user must delete all illegal music files on their
computer and fill out an affidavit which must be
legally notarized, in which the user states that they
have destroyed these files,  and that if they download
any files in the future they can be sued by the RIAA. 
A copy of the affidavit can be found here:

Thoughts on this?   I personally think it's another
way for the RIAA to scare people into stopping their
music sharing.

Hope this is appropriate to the list. . .

~Arielle Kuperberg
Hunter College, CUNY

The sharing of joy, whether physical, emotional, psychic, or intellectual, forms a bridge between the sharers which can be the basis for understanding much of what is not shared between them, and lessens the threat of their difference.                -Audre Lorde

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