
Subject: pdfs?
From: Kathy.Bruner@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 14:39:09 -0500
I have a question that may have been answered here before, but forgive me as
a newcomer for asking:
I have always put single copies of supplemental readings on reserve at our
campus library, and encouraged students to read the material there or make
their own personal copy. I'm wondering--would the law allow me to make PDF
files of those reserve articles and place those on a Blackboard server
location, available only to students currently enrolled in my course
(without author permission)? Any help?
Kathy Bruner
Asbury College
Wilmore, KY

Current Thread
  • pdfs?
    • Kathy . Bruner - 9 Jan 2004 19:38:24 -0000 <=