Major changes in copyright law since 1989

Subject: Major changes in copyright law since 1989
From: "Karle-Zenith, Anne" <annekz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 12:45:42 -0500
Also, if you haven't seen it, the recent report from Harvard's Berkman
Center/Gartner/G2 is a great snapshot of the current state of copyright as it
relates to the internet and digital media in the US.  There is a companion
piece that discusses international developments.


Anne Karle-Zenith
Cataloging & Metadata Librarian
Michigan State University
100 Library
East Lansing, MI 48824-1048
517 432-6123 ext. 188
517 353 8969 (FAX)

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