RE: [stella] If it's not one thing it's another.

Subject: RE: [stella] If it's not one thing it's another.
From: Piero Cavina <p.cavina@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 1997 12:15:17 +0200 (MET DST)
crackers@xxxxxxxx wrote:

> Here's the code....

I've no time to examine the details of your code, but here are some advices...

- I would recommend to write a demo with a sprite alone first, then try to
add other things like a playfield. That may be easier than adding a sprite
to a playfield-only program, so that you can concentrate on the
sprite-related probles.

- your code seems too hmmm.... "spaghetti" :), please try to avoid the
branches in the kernel: in my game there are some of them, but usually very
"compact" and avoiding the "back and forth" things, ie:
  CPX something
  BCS not very far
  LDA something else
  EOR #$FF
not very far:
  STA ...

- it is usually very useful to have to deal with powers of two... so a good
height for a sprite is 8 scanlines. This isn't really true for the following
demo, but it's a wise choice in general.

The following picture will help you to understand the code.
A key point is that the variable with the sprite Y position refers to the
LAST line of the sprite.

start of tv screen
border, blank, score scalines...      
first scanline ->   100
                    072            72-64 = 8>=8 -> draw the blank sprite
                    071   !------| 71-64 = 7<8 -> draw the 1st slice
                    070   !      ! 70-64 = 6<8 -> draw the 2nd slice 
                    069   ! the  ! ...
                    068   !sprite!
                    067   !      !
                    066   !      !
                    065   !      ! 
sprite y pos. ->    064   !------! 64-64 = 0<8 -> draw the last slice 
                    063            63-64 = -1 = $FF >= 8 -> draw the blank
last scanline  ->   000
border, blank, score, etc...
end of tv screen

Here's how could be the code... let's suppose an 8 lines height sprite.
SCANLINE is the current scanline in the kernel loop, and YSPRITE the sprite
Y position.

         LDA #100
         STA SCANLINE  
LOOP:    STA WSYNC      ;3 (0)
         LDX #0         ;2 (2)
         LDA SCANLINE   ;3 (5)
         SEC            ;2 (7)
         SBC YSPRITE    ;3 (10)
         CMP #8         ;3 (13) 
         BCS NOSPR      ;2 (15)
         TAY            ;2 (17)
         LDX SHAPE,Y    ;4 (21)
NOSPR:   STX GRP0       ;3 (24) (worst case)
         ...                24*3-68= pixel 2
         BPL LOOP

As usual, the data for the sprite shape will be upside-down...

SHAPE:   BYTE %11111111
         BYTE %10000001         
         BYTE %11111111
Please notice that I've done the cycle/pixel counts above in a hurry, so
they might be wrong :)
But it seems that the routine will write to GRP0 when the beam is about to
draw the second pixel on the scanline, so your sprite can't stay too near to
the left edge.

And now, the $1.000.000 question...:

"but if it must be a single scanline thing, where can I find the cpu time
for another sprite, missiles, background..."

- Greg's "Rescue" is a single-scanline game, and uses a completely different
approach to draw the lander.
- My game is a double scanline resolution program, and uses a complex
variant of the example above.
Hope this helps...


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