Re: [stella] video memory

Subject: Re: [stella] video memory
From: Nick S Bensema <nickb@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 23:30:34 -0700 (MST)
>> A 2600 game kernel in ROM kinda IS the video memory.  It is the algorithms
>> and supporting data which generate the display on a scanline by scanline
>> basis. PMG data for animations, color data for register changes, all that
>> takes memory, sometimes much more than the video memory in rival 1st gen
>> consoles.                                                        ^^^^^^^
>Um, somebody *please* correct me if my interpretation is correct, but
>these comments seem to me to say that the ram+rom of a 2600 game is larger
>than the screen buffer/display ram of a modern console.
Consider yourself corrected.

1st gen == archaic.

Next gen == Ultimate Virtual Mortal Cyber-Fighter 3 Alpha Turbo Championship
Versus the Teenage Mutant Samurai X-Men version of NBA JAms, with play-by-
play by Ben Stein.

Hope this helps.

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