RE: [stella] O2 vs 2600 hardware

Subject: RE: [stella] O2 vs 2600 hardware
From: Matt Pritchard <MPritchard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 15:03:28 -0500

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	danboris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [SMTP:danboris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent:	Thursday, September 11, 1997 12:45 PM
> To:	stella@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject:	[stella] O2 vs 2600 hardware
> > 
> > Now it seems stranger to me why the 2600 has no video memory at all.
> I
> > thought it was because at the time it was too expensive...
> > 
> I think the fact that the 2600 does not have video memory is what
> makes it so flexible. Look at the O2, it had 256 bytes of video
> memory, but it's graphics where very inflexible. The 2600 would
> require far more the 256 bytes to be able to control the entire
> display with is as much detail as it can without it.
> Dan,
>   I don't think you two are using the same definition of "video
> memory"  (unless you've determined something new since last time we
> talked).  Both machines have a region of address space used by the CPU
> to interface with a video display chip.  
> -Matt P
> In the Howard Warshaw video one of the original Atari 2600 programmers
> said that it was the things that were left out of the 2600 hardware
> that made it as good a machine as it was. If they had tried to
> incorporate more it probably would not have turned out as good.
> 						Dan B.
> PS. Thought it was about time for a more acurate subject line for this
> thread :)
> --
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