Subject: [stella] request for comments: RESCUE.BIN From: Greg Troutman <mor@xxxxxxx> Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 11:00:03 -0700 |
I need some opinions on a few things. 1. I've kinda dug a hole in RESCUE.BIN by changing the gameplay mechanics from the original. The arcade machine used a left and right button for moving sideways, and the retro-rockets and missiles shared a single fire button. This worked okay, because you only fired missiles when returning, and on your return, the ship automatically flew upward without the need to use retro-rockets. You could go up faster by using the retro-rockets, and this would simultaneously shoot a missile. Of course that means you also got a brief burst of speed any time you fired a missile... It worked okay since using the retro-rockets on your return flight was a fairly minor thing you gave little thought to (at least in the first few levels). Letting the ship fly up more slowly on it's own was a good thing, because using the retros ate fuel and reduced your bonus points at the end of the level. Now, I have changed the basic mechanics of the game to require active usage of the retro-rockets to return to the ship. I like the way that works for flying and maneuvering, but in writing a routine to also shoot back at the spaceships, the controls are much more difficult when you share the fire button for those two things... It just autofires as you fly, and that's not good because you really need to pick your shots very carefully... So, I've tried using the joystick-up as the retro-rockets, and it's playable and kinda okay, but I don't really like it as much as the button. There's something very cool about separating the left-right and up-down controls between the stick and button... I definitely don't fly as well in the new configuration. I'll probably try using the joystick-up for firing missiles, but that will mean losing lateral control of the ship briefly, and I think somehow it won't be good either... So, I'm wondering about various ways to proceed: - eliminate shooting completely, and add more challenge to the flying/rescuing aspects of the game - program numerous less-than-perfect control schemes and let the player select which one he prefers - simplify the flying, back to the original style where the ship moves upward automatically after you've picked up a man - build a custom cable to connect a Genesis controller to both joystick ports and use two buttons (just kidding ;) 2. I've optimized a bit and found room to add some things. One thing I've tinkered with is further animation of the little guys on the platforms. I've got a much more efficient kernel routine for drawing the platforms, lander and little men, and I'm planning on having them run around on the platforms, making it look better and also increasing the difficulty of landing without squashing them ;) I could also design different shaped platforms for each level, but there's not enough room in the current one-screen setup to do very much with that. I was wondering what anyone thought about dividing the flying and landing portions into two separate screens. I might be able to build fairly significant platform structures with more men on them if I do this. Maybe even making the ship descend into cave-like settings to rescue the men. Would anyone object to going in that direction before completing a more accurate port of the original game??? 3. I've been using over 200 lines of screen for a while and I was wondering if anyone thinks that's a mistake. The game currently cuts off much of the bottom portion where your remaining ships are displayed when using Stella. But maybe that's something that can be configured in emulators to fix and isn't a big problem??? Anyway it looks fine on real NTSC TV and I think I'd like to go this way unless anyone has a huge objection for some reason that hasn't occurred to me... That one extra row of asteroids really makes a difference ;) Of course, if I go with the two-screen setup described above, I can probably go back to 192 lines and be satisfied... Comments? -- mor@xxxxxxx -- Archives updated once/day at Unsubscribing and other info at
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