Re: R: [stella] request for comments: RESCUE.BIN

Subject: Re: R: [stella] request for comments: RESCUE.BIN
From: Greg Troutman <mor@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 13:29:53 -0700
Piero Cavina wrote:

> Here's my idea about how to handle shooting and flying with just one
> button!
> - When you press the button the rockets turn on but the ship doesn't shoot.
> - When you release the button the rockets don't turn off immediately, that
> will happen only after a short amount of time.
> - If you press the button again before that time has expired, a shot is
> fired!
> In practice, choosing carefully the delay it should be possible to
> control flying and shooting at the same time without affecting too much the
> gameplay.

Good idea!  I knew there was a solution out there.  I'll have to try
this and see if I can make it work as well as it sounds ;)


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