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From: owner-stella@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 23:15:26 -0500 (EST)
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>From krishna@xxxxxxxxxxxx  Mon Feb  9 09:05:12 1998
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From: Robert "A." Colbert <colbertb@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sender: Robert "A." Colbert <colbertb@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: wplaybin - with required .dll
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 08:01:12 -0600
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	Sorry about not including the .dll with wplaybin.  I didn't really
know it was needed.  Visual C++ doesn't really tell you what is and isn't
needed... Or at least I don't know where to find that information.  The
new archive is on my web page at:



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