Re: About SHIPS.ASM (was: Re: [stella] Jim's heart

Subject: Re: About SHIPS.ASM (was: Re: [stella] Jim's heart
From: Piero Cavina <p.cavina@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 12:28:52 +0200
At 11.51 17/06/98 +0200, kurt.woloch@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

>I thought of another thing here. Since the ship body can end at kernal:,
>line2, line3, OR line4,
>I'd have to offer a possibility in each scanline to exit this kernel
>part. And then, how do I determine whether to leave or not?

Good question. :)

> Still, I
>could hide those things BEHIND writing all registers, after everything's

But that would waste a lot of cycles...

> maybe it's even impossible to let the ship sink only one
>scanline at a time this way?

Maybe not. Try to break the kernel that does the ship body in two parts:
one for the upper part, made only of groups of four lines, where you won't
have to care of "exit points", and one for the scrolling-end, where you'll
draw 1,2 or 3 lines only, according to the sink level. Maybe you won't have
time for sprites in these last lines, but the various elements might be
arranged so that this is not a big problem.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........


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