Re: [stella] O'Shea's and developing

Subject: Re: [stella] O'Shea's and developing
From: "Timm Carr" <tcarr@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 14:54:22 +0000
i know of an already existing device that does this perfectly its called the
vcs, why try to make a better wheel when the one we have is the best. 8)

Piero Cavina wrote:
> At 12:17 -0400 28-05-1999, Erik Mooney wrote:
> >I came across this in one of the binary emulators newsgroups.  Reproduced
> >The reason for this,
> >we would like to package the emulator and interface device with an
> >assortment of 15 game titles and take this to market. Can you do this? Do
> >you know someone
> >who can?
> This must be one of the most absurd things I've ever heard :-)
> Ciao,
>  P.
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