Re: [stella] Thinking like a computer (harder than it sounds)

Subject: Re: [stella] Thinking like a computer (harder than it sounds)
From: Chris Wilkson <ecwilkso@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 01:46:15 -0400 (EDT)
> extra RAM. But since nobody has yet designed a cheap and easy to make
> homebrew cart with extra RAM, you probably can only use the Supercharger.
> (Chris might have designed a cart with lots of extra RAM that he is
> only hiding from us though. ;-) )

Well, I had this nifty message typed up, explaining that I had forgotten all
about annoucing it to the world because I'm debugging Final Fantasy 2600.
But pine (accursed emailer that it is) happily chomped my would-be joke and
sent it to that magical place where all the lost socks go (only the left ones,
of course) when you're doing laundry.


Designed?  Yes.  Built and tested?  No.  But...the Megcart will arrive.  Fear
not!!  In the meantime, I was working on an Atari Superchip board for Glenn, but ran
into a wall.  Or several of them, actually.  Then I moved cross-continent (again)
and started my summer job.  The short of it is that I just haven't gotten back
to it yet.  :(

And now pine hates me.  :( 


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