At 11:14 PM 5/16/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Funny thing, a couple people out there have told me that some
>publisher actually published books about this... However, I've
>seen no proof, and of course they couldn't remember who the
>publisher might be (they thought it might not be a "bookstore"
>book, but rather a technical publication of some sort).
One of the cool things is that O'Reilly's accepts unsolicited book
manuscripts. If they like your book well enough, they will publish
it. That's why O'Reilly's publishes all sorts of very technical very
nichey books, but they are considered the best at what they do.
Somewhat nichey stuff they cover includes:
Choosing a Wheelchair
DCE Applications
curses (who uses that anymore?)
Smileys :)
They have a writer's guide out there.
Here is what they have to say about new book ideas:
"We're always looking for new authors and new book ideas. Our ideal author
has real technical competence and a passion for explaining things clearly.
We're happy to work with first time authors, and encourage inquiries about
virtually any topic. However, it helps if you know that we tend to publish
"high end" books rather than books for dummies, and generally don't want
yet another book on a topic that's already well covered.
At the same time as you might say that our books are written "by and for
smart people," they also have a down to earth quality. We like straight
talk that goes right to the heart of what people need to know.
If you browse through our catalog, you'll get a sense of the kind of books
we tend to publish. You might also find So You Want to Write a Book, a
handbook for new authors, and the O'Reilly Stylesheet and Word List,
helpful. Finally, we list some topic areas we're particularly interested in
right now. "
If O'Reilly isn't interested in publishing it, I'm sure another publisher
would. There is no shortage of publishers out there and there is a
constant need for new material.
Glenn Saunders - Producer - Cyberpunks Entertainment
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