Re: (fwd) Re: [stella] GunFight 2600: One Limit Reached!

Subject: Re: (fwd) Re: [stella] GunFight 2600: One Limit Reached!
From: Erik Mooney <emooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 11:27:56 -0500
> >I found something very interesting regarding quick/clever missile
> >enabling/disabling in the archive:
> >
> >
> >I goes like this:
> >
> >Do this before the display loop:
> >LDX #$1E        ;for ENAM1 - could also be used for ENABL or ENAM0
> >TXS
> >
> >And in the loop:
> >LDA MissileY
> >SEC
> >SBC Scanline    ;A has (MissileY - Scanline).  If it is >=0 but <4,
> >                ;we want the carry clear.
> >CLC
> >ADC #252        ;If 0 <= A <= 3, the carry will now be clear.
> >LDA #00
> >ADC #00         ;If the carry was clear, A now = 0, so Z is set.
> >PHP             ;Plug it into ENABL.
> >
> >I think it can be optimised here & there. Besides the carry especially
> >the last part. Wouldn't...
> >ROL
> >ROL
> >PHP
> > the the trick way shorter & quicker than
> >LDA #00
> >ADC #00         ;If the carry was clear, A now = 0, so Z is set.
> >PHP             ;Plug it into ENABL.
> >????

Your way is faster by only 2 cycles (because you can remove the CLC.)
However, this version was posted to the list some time after that archived
message.  After the subtraction, do

which is exceedingly clever and short.  That does exactly what we want -
if A is between 0 and 3 before the AND, the zero flag will be set, and so
ENAMx will be enabled.  This only works if your missile height is a power
of two, though.

> >But still... wouldn't it be best to make the missile yellow like the
> >background, where there is no gun? The only other object actually
> >crossing that *invisible* missile would be the ball. Can't the ball just
> >have a higher priority than the misslie?

Unfortunately, no.  You can only give the ball a higher priority than the
players, if you don't mind the playfield also having a higher priority.

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