Re: [stella] Qb: v1.00 (alpha #1)

Subject: Re: [stella] Qb: v1.00 (alpha #1)
From: "Andrew Davie" <adavie@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 09:46:58 +1100
> I'm not sure if this is already the cleaning up stage, but since
> I have complained about this for all the other versions, I just
> have to do it for this one too. ;-)

Yes, this is now officially the cleaning-up stage.  All comments welcome -
and thanks for the ones you have just posted.  The timing is something I've
not tackled - but you're right, I should.  There is a LOT of timing-related
glitching in later stages.  I'll try to fix all that today.


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