At 05:33 AM 8/11/93 -0300, Nicolás Olhaberry wrote:
Mmm... I don´t know how to play that game, but just one selection sounds
like too much hassle for the player, like he/she would spend too much time
looking for the right option. Probably one selection would be better to show
what the computer has done, it would be faster and more elegant, I think.
I had some misgivings about making the player take an action from nine
options, particularly since the game does so few paddle reads because other
parts of the game present only three or five options. It may be better to
make the player make two choices - the kind of bid, then the trump suit.
While it would keep the game moving if the computer only has to show one
message instead of two, it won't be consistent with the first bidding
round. In the first round, the only options are Pass, Call, and Alone. In
the second round, these three options are available again, and then the
player has to choose a trump suit (unless he or she passed). The human
player would know to watch for Pass, Call, or Alone no matter the bidding
I'm considering another alternative, which is to just have one message
(Pass, Call, or Alone) and then to always show the trump suit during the
hand... somewhere. Perhaps between the number of tricks (which hasn't been
seen in the demos because actually hand play hasn't been implemented) is a
good spot.
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/* Erik Eid */ \____||L/\_____/
/* eeid@xxxxxxxxx */_______________________
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