Subject: Re: [stella] Cartridge Box From: Jake Patterson <jpatters@xxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 22:20:10 -0400 (EDT) |
On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, [iso-8859-1] Mauricio Tadeu Alegretti wrote: > Hello there, > > I have just phoned Patola, asking about their prices. They are really still > producing the boxes. Their price list is as follow: > > more than 100 units: R$ 1.20 > more than 1000 units: R$ 1.15 > > considering that R$1 = US$ 2.523 (as of today, but it changes almost every > day): > > > 100 = U$0.47 > > 1000 = U$0.45 > If R$1 = US$ 2.523, then it would be more like: 100 = US$ 3.03 1000 = US$ 2.91 Fortunately it is really R$ 2.523 = US$1 :-) Therefore, I would be interested in 100 of them... -- |@ ]@[ @| |@ ]@[ @| /@@@@@\ |@@@@@@@@@| /@@@@@\ +@@@@@@@@K |@@@| J@ ]@[ @K ;@@@^@@@;|@@@@@@@@@|;@@@^@@@; |@@@| \@@@L |@@@| .@| ]@[ |@. J@@' `@@K |@@@| J@@' `@@K |@@@| /@@@K |@@@| J@' ]@[ `@K ;@@@@@@@@@; |@@@| ;@@@@@@@@@; |@@@@@@@@L |@@@| J@F ]@[ `@K J@@@@@@@@@K |@@@| J@@@@@@@@@K |@@@|\@@@\ |@@@| J@@' ]@[ `@@K ;@@@@ @@@@; |@@@| ;@@@@ @@@@;|@@@| `@@@L |@@@| J@@P ]@[ 9@@K J@@@V ?@@@K |@@@| J@@@V ?@@@K|@@@| \@@@|@@@| @@P ]@[ 9@@K - Archives (includes files) at Unsub & more at
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