Subject: Re: [stella] Using a Mac From: Jake Patterson <jpatters@xxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 01:13:25 -0400 (EDT) |
On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Ruffin Bailey wrote: > Quick update on that -- I haven't used AOL in years and haven't been > able to get to that page/site to update it. I think there are some > minor updates on the "new" (relatively speaking) and future home for > the pages: > > > Thanks for the link update! > If someone could get Nick to update that, that'd be great. :^) Thanks > again to Eckhard whose site has the updated link. > > Embarrassingly enough, I've yet to update the tools so that they run > natively on OS X. Should be able to catch up with the rest of the > command-line crew now and cut out the MPW download that's necessary for > Mac Classic. > > While I'm talking about it, the MPW link on the above pages flakes > every so often. Yep, had trouble with that link. Fortunately, I did the full install of CodeWarrior a while back and it turns out I already have MPW. > You might also want to download the "Commando" tool to access DAsm's > GUI in MPW. > DAsm has a Gui? > Glad to hear someone actually asked about compiling on a Mac; maybe > that'll kick me into gear getting some updates on the site and maybe > try my hand compiling the tools on OS X. I didn't see the first post > on the subject, but if anyone with a Mac bent wants to ask me a few > questions on what they need to get started, feel free to send an email > my way. No, I've never finished a game, but I have hacked a demo or > two on a PowerPC and managed to compile Qb 'n' friends to give them a > whirl. :^) > > Ruffin Bailey My idea is to do something like Joust, but with enimies that "evolve" based on a simplified "genome" that changes with random mutations. I just downloaded the Joust rom file for the 2600, and I had forgotten how ugly awful that game was on the 2600. Does anyone here think that a much better rendition of that would be possible? I'm thinking that it may be best to drop the idea of copying the "look" of Joust, and just use a couple of the key ideas, the most key being you have to collide with the enimies in a certain way to defeat them. It may end up being more like Berzerk with a sword then Joust. Just thinking out loud here :-) -- , ,@[ ,@@@[ ,@@@@'@@@@' `@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@',@@@' ,@@@@',@@@' `@@@@@@@@@@@@',@@@',aa. ,aa. ,@@[ ]@@',@@@' ,aa.'aaaaaaa, aa' `@@@@@@@@',@@@|@@@@@@@' ,@@@@@@' ]@@[ ]',@@@',@@@@@@@''@@@@',@' `@@@@',@@@']@7`,@@',@[]@@@@@',@@[]@@[ ]@@[ ]@7`,@@',@[ '@@@' `@a@@@' ]@,@@',@@@[]@@@' ,@@@[]@@[ ]@@[ ]@,@@',@@@[ ,@@@, `@' `@@@@@@@' `@@@@@@@' ]@@[ ]@@[ `@@@@@@@',@@@',@@, `~' `~' `~~' `~~' `~' '~~' ~~~~~' .....................................GCE Vectrex - Entertaining New Ideas - Archives (includes files) at Unsub & more at
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