At 10:53 PM 8/23/2001 -0700, you wrote:
At 01:10 AM 8/24/2001 -0400, you
My development platform will be my
Powerbook, what is the best assembler
to use? I intend to use the audio out to a Supercharger for testing
actual hardware. Is there a makewave program for the Mac?
Thanks in
advance for any help that you all can provide...
This is the page for 2600 homebrewers on the Mac:
Quick update on that -- I haven't used AOL in years and haven't been able
to get to that page/site to update it. I think there are some minor
updates on the "new" (relatively speaking) and future home for
the pages:
If someone could get Nick to update that, that'd be great.
:^) Thanks again to Eckhard whose site has the updated link.
Embarrassingly enough, I've yet to update the tools so that they run
natively on OS X. Should be able to catch up with the rest of the
command-line crew now and cut out the MPW download that's necessary for
Mac Classic.
While I'm talking about it, the MPW link on the above pages flakes every
so often. I had a real time getting MPW to download when setting up
my new iBook a while back, at least until I stopped trying to ftp via
IE. Not sure why a browser would make any difference, but pointing
Transmit (an ftp client) to
and navigating to "
/developer/Tool_Chest/Core_Mac_OS_Tools/MPW_etc./MPW-GM/MPW" did the trick
. All you really need is the MPW Shell anyhow. Just toss the Mactools in the same dir as the MPW Shell app (with the 6502 and vcs.h headers) and you should be golden. Type "dasm" followed by "Enter" (*not* "Return" -- Hit Apple-Return if you don't use Enter on the number pad) and see if you don't get some basic instructions.
You might also want to download the "Commando" tool to access DAsm's GUI in MPW.
Glad to hear someone actually asked about compiling on a Mac; maybe that'll kick me into gear getting some updates on the site and maybe try my hand compiling the tools on OS X. I didn't see the first post on the subject, but if anyone with a Mac bent wants to ask me a few questions on what they need to get started, feel free to send an email my way. No, I've never finished a game, but I have hacked a demo or two on a PowerPC and managed to compile Qb 'n' friends to give them a whirl. :^)
Ruffin Bailey