Subject: Re: [stella] Syncing without WSYNC From: "B. Watson" <atari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 09:54:24 -0400 (EDT) |
On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, Manuel Polik wrote: > "B. Watson" schrieb: > > > But... if you're modifying GRP0/1 several times in one scanline, the second > > line will display whatever the last value was all 3 times it's being displayed.. > > I could store zeros in both player registers, but then my 6 digit score would > > come out zebra-striped... > > Doing a 6-char routine with closed spacing is a *trick* not something > that can be just *programmed* > Either you know how it works or not. > You'll never get it going properly without deeper knowledge about the > exact inner workings of VDEL & GRPX writes. > > (Just a side-note to save you time, but keep on trying if you feel like > doing it the impossible way... :-)) > > Greetings, > Manuel > Oh, I don't mind attempting the impossible... anyway, I wasn't trying to do it with close spacing, I'm using wide spacing (NUSIZ value 3), and I did get it to work that way. It's still ugly, but no uglier than using PF* registers to draw text. And I learned a lot about how the CPU/TIA timing works, that will be good to know in the future. When I do decide to mess with a real (close-spaced) 6-digit score, I'll cut & paste some code from the biglist archives, and play with it until I understand how it works... by breaking it and understanding how it broke, if nothing else.. One of the golden rules of programming for me has always been to know exactly what's going on and how it works, at all times.. Which is probably an obsolete attitude if you're coding in C++ or Java (you treat objects like a `black box'), but it's a habit I can't break.. Anyway, what I've got, I'm attaching to this message, for a laugh. Brian --- If a trainstation is the place where trains stop, what is a workstation? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; score.asm ; by B. Watson <atari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ; Draws a 6-character, wide-spaced, 6-digit score. ; Tested on z26 v1.46 on a windows machine ; Tested on xstella 1.1 on a linux machine ; *Not* tested on a real Atari (yet) processor 6502 include "vcs.h" seg.u data org $80 framectr ds 1 digit0 ds 6 digit1 ds 6 digit2 ds 6 digit3 ds 6 digit4 ds 6 digit5 ds 6 tmp0 ds 1 tmp1 ds 1 tmp2 ds 1 tmp3 ds 1 tmp4 ds 1 seg code org $F000 sei cld ldx #$ff txs lda #0 iloop sta 0,x bne iloop ldx #5 rz_loop lda dec0,x sta digit0,x lda dec1,x sta digit1,x lda dec2,x sta digit2,x lda dec3,x sta digit3,x lda dec4,x sta digit4,x lda dec5,x sta digit5,x dex bpl rz_loop main_loop lda #2 sta VSYNC ; start blanking sta WSYNC sta WSYNC lda #44 sta TIM64T ; go ahead & set timer lda #0 sta WSYNC sta VSYNC ; 3 WSYNC's, then turn off VSYNC ; here is where I'd calculate the score, if I were in a real game ;calc_score ; lda scorelo ; position players for top 10 scanlines (the score). Fixed positions. inc framectr ; rotate color every other frame lda framectr lsr sta COLUPF lda #3 sta NUSIZ0 sta NUSIZ1 lda #10 sta COLUP0 sta COLUP1 sta WSYNC repeat 17 nop repend sta RESP0 ; p0 at ((17*2)+3-22)*3 cycles = 45 pixels (37 cycles) repeat 6 nop repend sta RESP1 ; p1 at ((17*2)+3+(6*2)+3-22)*3 pixels = 90 lda #$C0 ; +4 pixels to the right = 92 (53 cycles) sta HMP1 sta WSYNC sta HMOVE sta WSYNC sta HMCLR wait_timer lda INTIM bne wait_timer ; busy-wait for timer to expire sta WSYNC kernel ; ldy #192 ;next ; sta WSYNC ;; each player is 8 pixels wide. each CPU cycle is 3 pixels (!), therefore each player is 2.66 CPU cycles wide! ; lda #$ff ; 3 ; sta GRP0 ; 3 ; sta RESP0 ; 3 ; tya ; 2 ; adc framectr ; 3 ; sta COLUBK ; 3 (so far 17) ; nop ; 2 ; nop ; 2 ; nop ; 2 ; lda #$AA ; sta GRP0 ; dey ; bne next ; start off with 5 scanlines of pure hell :) ldy #5 tsx ; we're going to use S as a register, better hang on to it. do_score sta WSYNC lda digit0,y ; 4 sta GRP0 ; +3 = 7 lda digit3,y ; +4 = 11 sta GRP1 ; +3 = 14 repeat 5 ; +10 = 24 nop repend lda digit1,y ; +4 = 28 ldx digit2,y ; +4 = 32 nop ; +2 = 34 nop ; +2 = 36 nop ; +2 = 38 sta GRP0 ; +3 = 41 nop ; +2 = 43 nop ; +2 = 45 stx $2000+GRP0 ; +4 = 49 nop ; +2 = 51 lda digit4,y ; +4 = 55 sta GRP1 ; +3 = 58 lda digit5,y ; +4 = 62 sta GRP1 ; +3 = 65 ; #define LAME_CUT_AND_PASTE sta WSYNC lda digit0,y ; 4 sta GRP0 ; +3 = 7 lda digit3,y ; +4 = 11 sta GRP1 ; +3 = 14 repeat 5 ; +10 = 24 nop repend lda digit1,y ; +4 = 28 ldx digit2,y ; +4 = 32 nop ; +2 = 34 nop ; +2 = 36 nop ; +2 = 38 sta GRP0 ; +3 = 41 nop ; +2 = 43 nop ; +2 = 45 stx $2000+GRP0 ; +4 = 49 nop ; +2 = 51 lda digit4,y ; +4 = 55 sta GRP1 ; +3 = 58 lda digit5,y ; +4 = 62 sta GRP1 ; +3 = 65 ; #undef LAME_CUT_AND_PASTE :) dey ; +2 = 67 bpl do_score ; +3 = 70 (plus the STA WSYNC again is 73) ; this actually works, for drawing constant data! ;do_score ; sta WSYNC ; lda #255 ; 3 ; sta GRP0 ; 3 ; sta GRP1 ; 3 ; ; so far 9 ; repeat 7 ; nop ; repend ; ; so far 9+14 = 23 ; lda #$AA ; +3 = 26 ; nop ; 28 ; nop ; 30 ; nop ; 32 ; nop ; 34 ; nop ; 36 ; nop ; 38 ; nop ; 40 ; sta $2000+GRP0 ; 44, now! ; lda #%11100111 ; 47 ; sta GRP0 ; 50 ; that's 3 GRP0's ; nop ; 52 ; nop ; 54 ; nop ; 56 ; nop ; 58 ; sta GRP1 ; 61 ; lda #$AA ; 64 ; sta GRP1 ; 67 ; dey ; 69 ; bpl do_score ; 72 (and the STA WSYNC above makes 75. *whew*) sta WSYNC lda #0 sta GRP0 sta GRP1 ldy #180 blank_pf sta WSYNC dey bne blank_pf end_kernel lda #37 sta TIM64T overscan finish_overscan lda INTIM bne finish_overscan jmp main_loop org $F800 decfont dec0 ; byte %00000010 ; byte %00000101 ; byte %00000101 ; byte %00000101 ; byte %00000010 byte %00011100 byte %00100010 byte %00100010 byte %00100010 byte %00011100 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 dec1 ; byte %00000111 ; byte %00000010 ; byte %00000010 ; byte %00000110 ; byte %00000010 byte %00011111 byte %00000100 byte %00000100 byte %00000100 byte %00001100 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 dec2 ; byte %00000111 ; byte %00000100 ; byte %00000010 ; byte %00000001 ; byte %00000110 byte %00011111 byte %00001000 byte %00000100 byte %00000010 byte %00011100 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 dec3 ; byte %00000110 ; byte %00000001 ; byte %00000110 ; byte %00000001 ; byte %00000110 byte %00011110 byte %00000001 byte %00000110 byte %00000010 byte %00011100 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 dec4 ; byte %00000001 ; byte %00000001 ; byte %00000111 ; byte %00000101 ; byte %00000001 byte %00000100 byte %00000100 byte %00111110 byte %00100100 byte %00010100 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 dec5 ; byte %00000110 ; byte %00000001 ; byte %00000111 ; byte %00000100 ; byte %00000111 byte %00011110 byte %00000001 byte %00000110 byte %00001000 byte %00001111 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 dec6 byte %00000111 byte %00000101 byte %00000111 byte %00000100 byte %00000011 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 dec7 byte %00000010 byte %00000010 byte %00000001 byte %00000001 byte %00000111 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 dec8 byte %00000111 byte %00000101 byte %00000010 byte %00000101 byte %00000111 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 dec9 byte %00000110 byte %00000001 byte %00000111 byte %00000101 byte %00000111 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 byte %00000000 org $FFFC word $F000 word $F000
Description: Binary data
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Re: [stella] Syncing without WSYNC, Manuel Polik | Thread | [stella] Score, Glenn Saunders |
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