Re: VSYNC problems (was: [stella] Thomas Jentzsch's PAL -> NTSC Conversions)

Subject: Re: VSYNC problems (was: [stella] Thomas Jentzsch's PAL -> NTSC Conversions)
From: "Eckhard Stolberg" <Eckhard_Stolberg@xxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2002 15:19:51 +0100
> You mean access to TIA might somehow change (weaken?) the VSYNC
> signal? That sounds like a design flaw. Did you ever check, which
> console type was used when having those problems?

I'm not sure what it is that causes the problem. I think
we need to experiment some more. At the time I was having
the problems I was mainly using the Atari 2600 Jr, that
also has problems with Kool Aide Man. I'm not sure if I
ever tried out the problematical games on a different
console, so I can't say if it is a model specific problem.

Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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