Re: [stella] VDEL...

Subject: Re: [stella] VDEL...
From: Robin Harbron <macbeth@xxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 19:27:37 -0500
Manuel Polik wrote:
> >This
> >isn't much of a problem for a score display, since the
> digits
> >usually don't use all 8 pixels anyway, but a 48 pixels
> graphics
> >display doesn't seem possible with this trick.
> AFAIR, Robin Harbrons 6 char routine in the archive
> works fine without VDEL. However - I'm not sure, if it
> can do an image or not. Might be just as you describe.

Hi there - yes, it does work without VDEL - I just went about
trying to do the 6 char routine in what seemed like the most
obvious way to do it.  However, I do remember it only working
properly at certain horizontal locations - I had to play with
it a bit to make it work.  It would not work freely the way
Eckhard's cool karate demo does.  Also, yes, I suspect it's
only looking okay because I'm not using all 8 of the pixels
for each char - the unused pixel or two serves as a buffer.
Robin Harbron   macbeth@xxxxxx

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