Re: OFF TOPIC: Re: [stella] help! distella -> dasm case sensitivity

Subject: Re: OFF TOPIC: Re: [stella] help! distella -> dasm case sensitivity
From: Erik Mooney <erik@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 11:08:00 -0400
5/2/2002 5:09:31 AM, Greg Miller <gmiller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>Thomas Jentzsch wrote:
>> BTW: IMO people who are *against* mixed case should be dragged! :-)
>I only get annoyed with people who hop on the latest naming fad... In 
>the mid/late 90s it was Hungarian (if I never see another variable named 
>lpszString, it'll be too soon) and now it's that darned funkyJavaCaps thing.

Hungarian is quite useful in high-level languages -- I invariably use it there.
Actually, its real effect is that it forces you to _think_ about how you type and
scope your variables.  But it doesn't help much in assembly language where
the concepts of scoping and typing don't exist.

And funkyJavaCaps had first been funkyCCaps for years, and is equally
silly in either language. :)

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