Re: [stella] You gotta try this...

Subject: Re: [stella] You gotta try this...
From: Chris Wilkson <ecwilkso@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 21:59:58 -0400 (EDT)
On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, Eckhard Stolberg wrote:

> Thanks for trying out z26 with the sound emulator. I'm glad
> it's working. But there shouldn't be a delay in the sound output.
> The effect for the shot should start right when you press the
> button. Maybe there are some settings for the sound emulator
> that let you control this?

Thanks for pointing us to the VDMS utility.  It's great.
Yes, there are some options in the VDMS.ini file that seem
to help.  In the [SB Wave player.config] section, I've reduced
the "buffer" setting to zero.  And in the [DMA Transfer Manager.config]
section, I've reduced the "minDMAPeriod" setting to zero.

There's still a perceivable delay in Combat (the program I'm testing with).
But it might be in the real game, played on an actual 2600.  Anyone able
to verify this?


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