Re: [stella] Compile Settings & Fun with EPROMs

Subject: Re: [stella] Compile Settings & Fun with EPROMs
From: "Joel Park" <joelp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 15:03:01 -0400
"Also, could I just take an atari cart, remove the ROM, stick in a socket,
and run a burned eprom (of the same size as the original host cart's ROM)?"

About this,  I believe you need an extra Hex Inverter chip to use Eproms.  I
don't know the Tech of it,  but I'm pretty confident that you can't just
replace the rom..  That would be way too easy.. :-)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roagie" <roagie@xxxxxxx>
To: <stella@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 2:33 PM
Subject: [stella] Compile Settings & Fun with EPROMs

> > And don't forget, like it says in 2600 101--
> > "The -f3 is crucial" least if you want to get it running
> > on an emulator.
> Would you use the same switch if u were making a bin to burn to an eprom?
> not, what is the suggested compile settings for doing so?
> Also, could I just take an atari cart, remove the ROM, stick in a socket,
> and run a burned eprom (of the same size as the original host cart's ROM)?
> Thanks
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