Re: [stella] redline problem????

Subject: Re: [stella] redline problem????
From: Manuel Polik <cybergoth@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2002 17:15:50 +0200
Hi Maxime!

After following the thread for quite some time and by taking your
'Newbie' status into account, I dare pointing out that I suspect the
problem here:

> include vcs.h

The file vcs.h is either not available in the same diretory or it's just
different to the one Kirk is using.

Make sure that the following equates match 100% to the ones in your

VSYNC   =  $00
VBLANK  =  $01
WSYNC   =  $02
COLUP0  =  $06
COLUBK  =  $09
ENAM0   =  $1D
HMM0    =  $22
HMOVE   =  $2A
INTIM   =  $0284
TIM64T  =  $0296

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