Re: [stella] stella list

Subject: Re: [stella] stella list
From: Rob <kudla@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 15:17:56 -0500
On Tuesday 03 December 2002 23:02, someone wrote:
> [Administrator's note: is anyone else getting multiple copies of postings? 
> I'm not, and I haven't heard complaints from anybody else, but before I
> tell Jeff that it's his ISP or mail client, I'd like to know if anyone else
> has trouble like this...]

Funny you should ask - the message that came down right before this one was a 
rerun of Ronen Habot's "F8 Bankswitching experiment" post from 12/2.

Otherwise, occasionally I've noticed reruns of posts a few days later but it 
isn't even 10% of the traffic and I figured it was a weirdness with the 
moderation mechanism.


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