Re: [stella] The sad story about my Atari 2600 TV format conversions

Subject: Re: [stella] The sad story about my Atari 2600 TV format conversions
From: "Eric Ball" <ericball@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 08:00:16 -0500
Unfortunately, legal action is a costly venture.  Which leaves you with the
option you are following: let the community know that these cartridges are
the result of your efforts and that the sale of them is against your wishes.
Hopefully this will be sufficient to convince the majority of the community
to boycott these cartridges and perhaps his entire business as well.

The unfortunate fact for the homebrew community is, unless we are prepared
to manufacture the cartridges ourselves, we have to license a third party to
do it for us.  And that relationship must be based on trust because there is
little we can do to effectively prevent abuses other than encourage others
to boycott the offender.

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