RE: [stella] Climber5 source and binary

Subject: RE: [stella] Climber5 source and binary
From: Thomas Jentzsch <tjentzsch@xxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 16:02:47 +0200
Dennis wrote:
>I thought I read some where that on a PAL machine you had to turn off
>all 3 sound registers to completely turn off the sound. If not you
>could get a hum. I don't know where I saw this but that's why all 3
>are done here. 

Hm, I have never heard that. Can anybody confirm this information? 

>> 6. use BIT, change:
>bit was used first but I'm storing the value in playerState later in
>the routine. That's why lda is used here.

Oops, I missed that.

>Sure, why not? That is if you have the time :) I tend to (and I'm
>sure others will too) learn from my mistakes. 

Those are not "mistakes". I am sure you can optimize nearly endlessly 
and you (or somebody else) will always find at least one more byte. 

Ok, a few more:

1. Why so complicated?
   lda DivisibleBy4,y 	
   beq DrawLadderGroup  
   bne EmptyLadderKernel

This works too:
   and #$03 
   bne DrawLadderGroup  
   beq EmptyLadderKernel

2. waste time efficient:
You are often using two or more force extensions (.w) to waste a few 
cycles. You can replace two of them with nop and save a byte.

3. interleave data
   ldx #$00               	; load color table index (assume NTSC)
   bit SWCHB                  ; check for NTSC/PAL settings
   bpl .loadDeathColors
   ldx #$02                   ; load color table index for PAL
   ldy DeathAnimationColorTable,x  
   lda DeathAnimationColorTable+1,x

Write this
   ldx #$00               	; load color table index (assume NTSC)
   bit SWCHB                  ; check for NTSC/PAL settings
   bpl .loadDeathColors
   ldy DeathAnimationColorTable,x  
   lda DeathAnimationColorTable+2,x

and change DeathAnimationColorTable into
   .byte <NTSCDeathAnimationColors, <PALDeathAnimationColors
   .byte >NTSCDeathAnimationColors, >PALDeathAnimationColors

And if you are sure both are in the same page you can save a few more 
bytes. The same trick works for several other PAL/NTSC and animation 
tables too.

4. superfluous code:
;   bcc .moveClimberRight
   bcs .doneHorizontalCalculations  ; same as jmp but saves a byte

5. use eor instead of cmp:
   cmp #$FF                   ; if no motion allowed turn off walking
   bne .checkJoystickMovement ; sound
   lda #$00
   sta walkingSoundIndex

   eor #$FF                   ; if no motion allowed turn off walking
   bne .checkJoystickMovement ; sound
   sta walkingSoundIndex

I am sure there are more places where you can use this trick

6. another simple one:
   lda #$FF                	; show that the select switch is held
   sta selectDebounce         ; for the next frame
   ldy #$00                   ; to be used to clear the attract timer
   lda attractMode            
   sty attractMode                  ; clear the attract mode timer

   ldy #$FF                	; show that the select switch is held
   sty selectDebounce         ; for the next frame
   iny                        ; to be used to clear the attract timer
   lda attractMode            
   sty attractMode                  ; clear the attract mode timer

7. another bit trick:
   ldy #$00
   lda #$02
   sta VSYNC                  ; start a new frame
   sty VSYNC                  ; end the VSYNC period

   lda #$02
   sta VSYNC                  ; start a new frame
   sta VSYNC                  ; end the VSYNC period

8. more tricks with bits:
   tya                        ; y holds the walkway number
   and #%00000001             ; mask all but bit 0
   asl                        ; multiply the value by 2
   tay                        ; this will now be used as an index for
                              ; odd/even walkways
   ldx #$00
   lda LadderValuePointer,y  	; load the ladderPointer values to
   sta ladderPointer,x        ; determine vertical movement
   cpx #$04
   bne .storeValidLadderValues

   tya                        ; y holds the walkway number
   and #%00000001             ; mask all but bit 0
   asl                        ; multiply the value by 2
   ora #4
   tay                        ; this will now be used as an index for
                              ; odd/even walkways
   ldx #$03
   lda LadderValuePointer,y  	; load the ladderPointer values to
   sta ladderPointer,x        ; determine vertical movement
   bpl .storeValidLadderValues

Doesn't save ROM but a few cycles. And it's a nice example. :-)

9. if your random number generator is good and random is at least once 
initialized to != 0 this code is superfluous:
   lda random
;   bne .skipInit
;   lda #$FF

For the PAL/NTSC speeds I would suggest using fractional numbers for 
playerMotion. This also allows much finer tuning of the speeds for 

   lda playerMotion
   sbc "currentSpeed"
   sta playerMotion
   bcs CheckPlayerState  
   jsr SetGirderSpeed  		; refresh the girder motion counter

E.g. "CurrentSpeed"
NTSC: $40-1, $55-1, $80-1, $100-1
; for PAL use 6/5 of the NTSC value
PAL:  $4c-1, $66-1, $9a-1, ???

Alternatively you could subtact a constant value (e.g. 30) from 
playerMotion and add the level speeds (*30) in SetGirderSpeed

This allows you to use better matching PAL values
NTSC: 30*4-1, 30*3-1, 30*2-1, 30*1-1
PAL:  36*4-1, 36*3-1, 36*2-1, 36*1-1

Have fun!	

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