Re: [stella] Homestar RPG Demo

Subject: Re: [stella] Homestar RPG Demo
From: Pete Holland <petehollandjr@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 16:41:15 -0700 (PDT)
Hey, Paul!

> Here's the Homestar Runner RPG demo from AGE.  The
> RPG I'm working on is going to be combined with the
> characters from!  Still got a
> way to go, but the demo shows a little of how the
> and character interaction will be done.  It also
> includes the map system demo that you've seen before
> plus a little music and a title screen.

Very nice!  I'm looking forward to this, although
since it's already 16K, and you're going to have it
done by early 2004, you're probably drinking
syrup-only slushies.

I would like to make a slight suggestions.  Heavily
comment your code.  This could be an invaluable
trainer in advanced programming, kind of like
commented Solaris code.

Dobre utka,
Pete Holland Jr.

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