Re: [stella] Bounce! demo

Subject: Re: [stella] Bounce! demo
From: Thomas Jentzsch <tjentzsch@xxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 23:36:56 +0200
Fabrizio wrote:
> So, as usual, I'd really love comments on all aspects of the game..
> playability, optimizations, improvements, etc.! :)

I think you could tweak the kernel, so that the playfield is displayed
with no flicker at all.

You could use my 47(!) pixel routine (with illegal opcode of course ;-)
and unroll the loop once. That should give you enough cycles for
setting the colors and en/disabling the ball. The only disadvantage
would be, that the ball would still flicker (one frame width 8 and
one frame width 4). I am not sure what will look better, but I think
it's worth a try.

Here is some not unrolled loop that should give you a good start:
  ldy  #HEIGHT
.digitLoop:        ;     @
  lda  (ballPtr),y ; 5  64
  sta  ENABL       ; 3  67
  lda  (colPtr),y  ; 5  72
  sta  COLUPF      ; 3  75 <- replace with 2 x COLUPx every 2nd row
  lda  (ptr0),y    ; 5   4
  sta  GRP0        ; 3   7
  lda  (ptr1),y    ; 5  12
  sta  GRP1        ; 3  15
  lda  (ptr2),y    ; 5  20
  sta  GRP0        ; 3  23
  lax  (ptr5),y    ; 5  28
  txs              ; 2  30
  lax  (ptr3),y    ; 5  35
  lda  (ptr4),y    ; 5  40
  stx  GRP1        ; 3  43
  sta  GRP0        ; 3  46
  tsx              ; 2  48
  stx  GRP1        ; 3  51
  sty  GRP0        ; 3  54
  dey              ; 2  56
  bne  .digitLoop  ; 2³ 59

(Un?)Fortunately I am on holiday for the next three weeks, starting at
mondy. So if you have questions ask them now or in three weeks. :-)

Have fun!
Thomas Jentzsch         | *** Every bit is sacred ! ***
tjentzsch at web dot de |

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