Re: [stella] behold, i am become shiva, destroyer of kernals!

Subject: Re: [stella] behold, i am become shiva, destroyer of kernals!
From: KirkIsrael@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 13 Mar 2004 03:32:09 -0000
Christopher, thanks so much for this work.

One thing, it's not clear *exactly* what change you mean
I should make:

early on I have :

	; setup stack for PHP trick
	stx saveStack
	ldx #ENAM1-1

and later 

	PLP                          ; 4 
	CPX slowBallYCoordFromBot+1           ; 3
	PHP                          ; 3 

You say
"At any rate, replacing the two PHP instructions with PLA should solve all 
these problems, permanently (knock wood)."

but is it just PHP->PLA, or 
do I modify the two PLPs as well?

THE LIVING END Before long the end / Of the beginning / Begins to bend
To the beginning / Of the end you live / With some misgivings
About what you did.  --Samuel Menashe

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