Re: [stella] Ms. Pac Man, Mr. Do, striped playfields, and one-line kernels

Subject: Re: [stella] Ms. Pac Man, Mr. Do, striped playfields, and one-line kernels
From: Christopher Tumber <christophertumber@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 2004 18:15:15 -0400
>How the heck did they fit that in? You can't change both GRP0 and GRP1
>to the appropriate rows of two arbitrarily positioned and distinct 
>sprites between WSYNC and the end of horizontal retrace. No way. 
>Uh-uh. You just... can't. 

As mentioned, VDEL is your friend here.

In addition, you can do something simple like shifting your code around:

lda SpriteBuffer0,x  ;setup for GRPN write on next scanline
lda SpriteBuffer1,x
sta WSYNC         ; next scanline
sty GRP0
sta GRP1
inx    ;x = scanline #


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