Re: [stella] Stella List "meta question"

Subject: Re: [stella] Stella List "meta question"
From: Kirk Israel <kirkjerk@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 10:05:04 -0400
On 6/5/05, Manuel Rotschkar <cybergoth@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi there!
> > Gmail's threading appears to be based on subject and it gets confused
> > sometimes with multiple Re: Fw:  prefixes and things like Manuel's Aw:
> Oh, I'm sorry. That's what my ISP automatically adds when using their
> webinterface for mailing, which I occasionally do (at work :-)). It's
> short for "Antwort", the German word for reply.

Heh, yeah, I've gotten into email Re: Aw: Re: Aw: wars w/ some friends
from Germany before.

It's true Gmail's threading isn't fullproof, but overall it's decent--
and the service is great.  I think the metaphor of one big pool for
all mail, incoming, outgoing makes a lot of sense in practice -- at
work Outlook's sharp division of mail I've received, mail I've sent
makes no sense. Combined with a top-notch search engine that quickly
goes through your whole archive and an ok spam filter...after using
Gmail for a year I'd give it a strong thumbs up.
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