Re: [stella] debugger pcode

Subject: Re: [stella] debugger pcode
From: "atari2600" <atari2600@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 11:30:01 -0400
Typically, we want a break to occur before the line we attach it to.
And the breakpoint condition is attached to the binary location at debug time,
not to the source line at assemble/compile time.  I would expect a debugger to
have a list of breakpoints, each attached to a location in the binary, which
is in turn associated with a line of source code.  You can modify the
conditions on the breakpoints, and add and remove breakpoints, at will --
without any source modifications.
So if you're considering attaching breakpoints to source, as suggested below,
I think we're on different tangents.

-------Original Message-------
> From: "Glenn Saunders" <mos6507@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [stella] debugger pcode
> Sent: 26 Jun 2005 08:59:12
>  > 	 	 LDA ballXPosition	 	 ; @BREAKIF (A==50)
>  That would be fine, but the break condition should be
>  flexible, not tied to the registers affected by the
>  opcode.
>  LDA ballXPosition	 	 ; @BREAKIF (X==50)
>  LDA ballXPosition	 	 ; @BREAKIF (Y==50)
>  LDA ballXPosition	 	 ; @BREAKIF (CarRotation==50)
>  Are we assuming the above means to break before or
>  after the opcode is processed?
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