Re: Best way to handle multiple string replacements?

Subject: Re: Best way to handle multiple string replacements?
From: "Sebastian Rahtz" <sebastian.rahtz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 21:09:53 +0100 (BST)
Warren Hedley writes:
 > I've got some XML->LaTeX transformations and I noticed that I
 > keep ending up with lists of calls to string replacement
 > routines, with the results being stored in variables (see
 > following XSL). It works, but it's ugly and not particularly
 > elegant. Has anyone ever found a better solution?

not to the theoretical problem, but to the practical problem
of writing your LaTeX files, some suggestions:

 a) use a different output encoding that LaTeX recognises (like latin 1)
 b) use a TeX setup that understands UTF 8 
 c) [easiest] use a neat program called utf8any (there must be
    millions of similar things) as a post-processor. 

 > Incidentally, does anyone know what the LaTeX macro for &#0182;
 > (pilcrow sign = paragraph sign) is? The best I've been able to
 > do is $\mathbb{P}$.

consulting you'd
find the appended. it will also tell you all other known Unicode/TeX
translations (more or less). The answering being \textparagraph, of


 <character id='U00B6' dec='182' mode='mixed' type='normal'>
 <latex>\textparagraph </latex>
 <mathlatex>\P </mathlatex>
 <Elsevier grid='bfd' ent='para'>
  <desc>paragraph sign; pilcrow</desc>
 <entity id='para' set='html4'>
  <desc>pilcrow sign = paragraph sign</desc>
 <entity id='para' set='8879-isonum'>
  <desc>=pilcrow (paragraph sign)</desc>
 <font name='hlcry' pos='123'/>
 <description>PILCROW SIGN</description>


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