Re: Best way to handle multiple string replacements?

Subject: Re: Best way to handle multiple string replacements?
From: Warren Hedley <w.hedley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 10:27:56 -0400
David Carlisle wrote:
> You haven't specified the input encoding is latin1
> \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}

Righto - thanks for that. That solves at least half of my problems.

Unfortunately some of the ``high'' characters don't appear to be
accepted by latex unless you are in math mode - such as plus-minus
and the degree symbol. So I still need to handle the characters
individually in my XSLT, wrapping them in $ $.

If you think that this could still be a problem with my latex setup,
then any help would be appreciated. I would have thought that the
macros in the inputenc files would take into account the need for
math mode.

Warren Hedley

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