RE: MS chat tidbits

Subject: RE: MS chat tidbits
From: "DuCharme, Robert" <Robert.DuCharme@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 19:04:56 -0400
>1. MS is considering "streamed XSLT support" with SAX. This would allow
>their XSLT processor to process XML documents on a streaming basis rather
>than requiring the entire document to be resident in memory. 

The program manager for the MSXML group says that they are "just considering
it," and there's a lot to consider. For example, how would they support
aspects of XSLT that require the whole document to be in memory, such as the
"following" axis? Or would they just not support it? 

XSLT's approach of converting a tree to a tree as opposed to just being a
filter that you can pipe data through does buy you something, and I imagine
they'd have to give up some of that when using a stream-based approach.

>2. The document() function will be available in the next release of MSXML

Another example of something that would really be complicated by a
stream-based approach. 

Of course, I haven't written an XSLT processor, so maybe someone who has
could provide some perspective?

Bob DuCharme           <bob@>  "The elements be kind to thee, and make thy
spirits all of comfort!" Anthony and Cleopatra, III ii

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