RE: [xsl] Another tokenize() question

Subject: RE: [xsl] Another tokenize() question
From: "Michael Kay" <mhk@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 10:21:38 +0100
Interesting. My solution put everything into element structure and then used
for-each-group to add a level of hierarchy; David's solution put everything
into textual form and then used analyze-string to create the tree. Both seem
to work. What you can't do, it seems, is to handle the mix of textual
structure and element structure in one go.

Michael Kay 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Carlisle [mailto:davidc@xxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: 11 August 2004 10:01
> To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [xsl] Another tokenize() question
> > analyze and regex
> apart from my usual grotty level of typing, I have to cope with
> American spelling as well...
> > When really:
> > 
> > <l><w>Why</w> <w>ha<supplied>l</supplied>dest</w> <w>&thorn;u</w>
> > <w>were</w> <w>agaynes</w> <w>me</w></l>
> > is what is wanted. 
> some people want everything:-)
> handling mixed content _across_ element boundaries is a bit more
> complicated. Probably I'd do something like this
> First have a mode a that does
> <xsl:template mode="a" match="*">
> <xsl:text>{</xsl:text>
> <xsl:value-of select="name()"/><!-- perhaps atributes too if 
> you need them-->
> <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
> <xsl:value-of select="."/>
> <xsl:text>}</xsl:text>
> </xsl:template>
> Then run that inside a variable as a first pass so you get
>  <l>Why ha{suppliedl}dest
>  &thorn;u were agaynes me</l>
> Then do your main ana-whatist-thingy, making sure anything inside
> braces, ie "{[^{}]*}" is part of the "word" regexp
> Then you would have
> <l><w>Why</w> <w>ha{supplied l}dest</w>
> <w>&thorn;u</w> <w>were</w> <w>agaynes</w> <w>me</w></l>
> except that instead of using value-of in the matching-substring part
> where you are adding <w> do another nested analyaze-strang 
> and match on  
> "{([a-z]*) ([^{}])*}
> and put the <supplied> element back by using
> <xsl:element name="{regex-group(1)}">
>   <xsl:value-of select="regex-group(2)"/>
> </xsl:element>
> David
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