Subject: [xsl] SaxonProcessorVsParser From: mankar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 22:30:12 +0300 |
Hallo, I need to clear the diferrence between an xml parser and an xslt processor.I mean doesn't an xslt processor ought to have parsing capabilities as well in order to first parse the input document and used xslt document into trees and then apply templates producing the final tree? In this case we are talking about the same software (parser and processor), meaning that a processor has to be a parser as well.Is this true? i am using saxon processor to transform xml documents into other xml docs like svg and gml. I am using saxon from the dos command prompt by > java net.sf.saxon.Transform -o output.xml input.xml used.xsl. At the beginning i was using MSXML which i later laid aside after realizing that there were several tasks involving the XSLT 2.0 specification which the particular processor did not support. Among the core services MSXML 4.0 provided was developer support for DOM, SAX and XSLT1. I mean as far as i can understand the MSXML environment incorporated a parser and an xslt processor as well. Does the same thing stand for saxon?I might sound naive with this question, but i need to clear it out.I ' ve used saxon succesfully for my transformations and my question only has theoretical interest.Does saxon use DOM API to parse the input documents into trees and then carries out with the rest of the transformation procedure to the final serialization of the output tree into the output xml? Regards Manousos
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